The biopic Mapplethorpe has been streaming on all of your favorite platforms since May, but we’re just now catching wind of all the cockage. Matt Smith stars as the infamous 1980s gay erotic photographer who pushed male bodies to their limits with his fetish and bondage black and whites. Those of you who experimented with art school will remember that 80s conservatives revolted against the National Endowment for the Arts when they found out their tax money was indirectly funding a picture of Robert Mapplethorpe with a bullwhip in his ass. Among other thangs. You should actually abort your cock mission and read this article from The Washington Post about the debacle.
BUT IF YOU INSIST. Critics agree that the 2019 Mapplethorpe biopic is, but thankfully it delivers the dudity! Smith shows off his nice ass in multiple scenes, and a bunch of guys do Mapplethorpe proud by going very frontal. So ya, that’s it. Oh wait. A drag queen should get a picture of Mapplethorpe on a fan so they can MappleTHWOORP. Rite??
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